Friday, December 9, 2011

Sugar & Spice & things that AREN'T all that nice...

This is a heads up to the men out there reading my blog... this post is about the trials and tribulations of being a woman.  Proceed with caution!

So I just finished my first full week back to work after 103 days off.  Boy was I unprepared for that 7am alarm to go off!  The good part is that I'm only working 4 hours days to start.  As I explained earlier, my doctor came up with a gradual back to work plan for me.  4 hours for weeks 1&2, 6 hours for weeks 3&4, 8 hours for weeks 5&6, and then back to my regular 8.47 hour shifts and back to my normal position.  For the next 6 weeks, I'm working a "non-operational" position (which basically means that I'm not controlling).  I'm working at a desk, imputing numbers & figures into Microsoft Excel, to help out my manager. It's the kind of work that turns your brain to mush, really. It's nice, easy work to be assigned during the holidays because I'm not on a deadline and no one really checks in on me. I doubt my manager even expects me to finish this project.  Any little bit I can plug into Excel is just a little less work that she has to do herself.  She'll probably triple check all my work anyway since I don't even know how to use the damn program!

So I finally noticed something very interesting this week. A trend one might say. I try to keep a journal of how I'm feeling from one day to the next, recording when symptoms appear or disappear. Anyway, when I was looking back over my notes, I noticed a particular trend every 28 days. Being a female, you'll know what I'm referring to. I've noticed that the week before and the week of, that my symptoms are definitely reappearing (like I need something else to irritate me during this week, right?!). This is mostly in the form of achey limbs. It's mainly in my legs and sooo unbearable. It keeps me awake at night in so much agony that I have to get Sheldon to help rub them down. Like I said, I've only noticed this throughout the past 3 months and I've been paying attention ever since. It's been ongoing again these last 10 days but oddly enough the aches are in my arm and hand this time. Always the left side. God, MS is so weird. Will I ever figure this monster out?!

Anyway, for those men who braved my post, if nothing else and if you've done your calculations right, you now know which days of the month to avoid me or stay on my good side and not piss me off - haha!

Right on.

 H. xo

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