Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Off work UFN....

I've been off work since August 24th.  Today is September 27th.  That's one month plus three days that I haven't had to report to 777 Moray, wake up to a 4:30am alarm, deal with bad rides, re-routes, CAATS and meet times or deal with the many delightful personalities that come with working at my workplace. To most people that might seem like the sweet-ass deal, considering I'm still getting paid my full salary to be sitting at home, watching The Price Is Right day in and day out... But believe me, the circumstances that keep me off are less than desirable.

To avoid rewinding and explaining the past 3 years of my life, I have multiple sclerosis and if you're reading this blog you already knew that.  What you may or may not have known is that my MS  has recently been classified as 'aggressive', which is why I'm taking an extended leave of absence from work at the moment.  I've been given a few options by my many doctors on how to proceed from here.  This is the struggle I face... how do I proceed from here when I don't like any of my choices?  Well this is my story on how I decided to disregard my neurologist's advice and take my health into my own hands.

I wanted to write this blog for all my friends and family who have been worrying about me for the past one month plus three days.  As I've been going through these most recent struggles, this'll be a place for me to document my own symptoms and any changes in the disease and it'll be a place where those who are interested can check-in and follow my battle, setbacks, and recovery online.  So without further ado, let me tell you a story. Let's start from the beginning.......

H. xo